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Including step-family in your estate plans

On Behalf of | Sep 14, 2021 | Estate Planning

Blended families in Nevada might have more questions than most when it comes to making estate plans. When it comes to blended families, it’s more important than ever to create an estate plan that incorporates everyone you want it to.

Why are estate plans important for blended families?

Without a formal estate plan, all assets and finances automatically go to the surviving spouse upon someone’s death. If there isn’t a surviving spouse, then the assets would automatically go to the person’s biological next of kin.

This means that step-children and even children from a first marriage can be passed over after someone’s death. When you’ve remarried, it’s more important than ever to include all of your family in your estate plan.

How to include your step-family in your estate plans

The first step is to clearly outline all of your wishes in a will. When writing out your will, all parties should be included by their full name. Your will should address all properties and financial assets that you wish to pass down.

If you have a spouse, you’ll want to make sure that any children from previous marriages as well as any step-children you wish to leave belongings to are addressed as well. Otherwise, your living spouse will inherit everything, and the children won’t have rights to any of your belongings after you die.

What options do you have for estate planning?

There are likely many options for you based on how many assets you need to pass down as well as how many family members you want to plan for. It’s important to research all of your options before creating your estate plan.


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