As you plan for the future, you are likely thinking about your loved ones and how to provide for them. What about those you would like to exclude from your legacy? Disinheritance clauses can help you achieve your goals, but only if you understand when and how to use...
And Strategic Representation
Estate Planning
Should you establish a living trust?
Are you thinking about how to protect your family's future? One powerful tool you might consider is a living trust. You might wonder, "What exactly is a living trust, and how can it help me?” In this blog, we'll explore why a living trust might be the right choice for...
3 steps to take when choosing a guardian for children
There are many different reasons that people establish estate plans. Becoming a parent is a common incentive to think about what happens if someone dies prematurely. Parents want to ensure that their children have support should anything happen to them. Achieving that...
5 estate planning mistakes young adults often make
Estate planning might seem like a distant concern, but it is never too early to start thinking about your future. Making smart decisions now can protect your assets and loved ones. Let us explore five common mistakes and how you can avoid them. Mistake 1: Thinking you...
Estate planning after you’ve hit the jackpot in Las Vegas
Hitting the jackpot in Las Vegas, whether from gambling winnings or a lottery win, can be a life-changing event. Suddenly, you find yourself with substantial wealth and the opportunity to secure your financial future and that of your loved ones. However, with this...
Protect your estate from creditors and other legal disputes
Wanting to leave something behind for your heirs is a noble endeavor. Family is one of a person’s greatest legacy. Protecting all the wealth you have accumulated through years of hard work from liens, taxes or other legal claims helps fulfill your goal of leaving...
5 types of trust parents can consider for a child
As a parent, the well-being of your children is always a top priority. You're invested in their future, aiming to ensure they do not only survive but thrive. Setting up a trust is a strategic approach to help accomplish this. Through this legal arrangement, you can...
4 reasons why young adults should consider estate planning
Creating estate plans is not exclusive to those nearing their twilight years. In Nevada, adults aged at least 18 can engage in estate planning to better manage their lives and assets. They can detail their wishes and choices in an estate plan to ensure protection and...
Why entrepreneurs need estate planning
If you are an entrepreneur, you know all about taking risks and planning for the future of your business. However, you need to protect your business and all your hard work when you are no longer around. That's where estate planning comes in. It is not just for people...
Avoid these estate planning mistakes
Estate planning is a great way to protect your Nevada family and secure your assets for future generations. Creating these legal documents may be overwhelming, but it’s crucial to take your time and avoid making mistakes in order to ensure they’re done properly to...