Getting the money you deserve from your insurance claim should be straightforward. Yet many insurance companies try to pay less than they should or delay payments without good reason. Learning to deal with these tactics will help you get fair treatment and the coverage you paid for.
What makes an insurance company act in bad faith?
When insurance companies don’t keep their promises to policyholders, they act in bad faith. You might face:
- Long delays in claim processing
- Claims denied without clear reasons
- Settlement offers that are too low
- Wrong information about what your policy covers
- Missing or incomplete claim investigations
- Refusal to show you essential documents
These actions undermine trust between you and your insurer and might also violate state laws protecting policyholders.
Clever ways to deal with your insurance company
Start by keeping records of everything. Save all emails, take notes during phone calls and snap photos of damage. Get everything in writing – it creates proof of what happened.
Write down these key details:
- Names of people you talk to
- Dates and times of calls
- What you discussed
- Any promises made
Read your policy carefully. If you need a new copy, ask for one. Send important messages by email or letter instead of making phone calls.
Stay calm when talking to insurance staff. Anger won’t help your case. Getting advice from outside experts like independent adjusters can strengthen your position.
Check your state’s insurance rules. Each state sets its own deadlines for handling claims. Follow up often, but give reasonable time for responses.
If you see signs of bad faith, file a complaint with your state’s insurance office. You should also talk to a lawyer who knows insurance law. Many offer free first meetings to review your case. They can tell you if the insurance company broke laws and help you fight for fair treatment.